Programas educativos de arte e historia para tu escuela.

El Museo en tu escuela ?

El Museo va a la escuela es un programa destinado a los jóvenes que se realiza en las propias escuelas primarias. Comprende dos instancias: un primer encuentro de reflexión sobre temas de identidad, memoria y autoritarismo a través de producciones artísticas en formato digital; un segundo encuentro que consiste en un taller de producción plástica.

Our philosophy
Each situation (and company) is unique. One-size-fits-all approaches will never help your business reach its full potential. Custom solutions take advantage of opportunities that your competitors can't. That's what we deliver to you.

Our commitment to results
When we work with you, we roll up our sleeves and become your business partner. Our success is measured by the success of your company. That's why we invest whatever resources are needed to get and keep your business on the right track.

Our experience
We know the challenges businesses face today. Our consultants have been in your shoes. They're past owners and operators of businesses in all regions of the world and every industry you can imagine.

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This way to business success

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